Friday, October 4, 2013

Crossing Off a Bucket List Item: Running a 5k!

I don't remember when it was that I decided I wanted to run a 5k. I hate running. I'm really not a fan of exercise in general, but I do it because it's good for my body and it tones my muscles, making me look and feel better. So it's quite a shock (believe me) for me to say that running a 5k is a bucket list item I'd like to check off.

I don't even have a written down bucket list. It's more of something that's in my head. And I can't even think of many items that would make the bucket list. But, nevertheless, running a 5k is on it for sure. Up until this point though, it was something I wanted to do, and imagined I'd do eventually. It's as though a 5k run would magically happen to me, like when my tooth fell out, or when my boobs became boobs.

I've been invited to run with people or as part of a group for a long time. Roy's boss does the Gate River Run and the Mud Run and has been asking us to join him for some time. I've been invited to join 5ks for Race for the Cure. But I always made excuses, the biggest one being "I haven't trained to run a 5k, so I can't." But then I wouldn't train! Ugh. Isn't that annoying?

On Facebook last week, I saw advertisements for The Color Run 5k coming up in February 2014, and I knew that was going to be my first 5k. Well, it may be my only 5k, but my bucket list doesn't say I'd like to run ALL THE 5Ks! It's just I want to run a full 5k without keeling over and dying slowly while other runners stampede over my lifeless body. Or just Run a 5k for short. So I finally did it: I started my 5k training with Roy this morning. I downloaded a free app on my iPhone called C25K Free and it's set up to give you a training regimen you follow three days a week for 9 weeks.

During the first week, you begin each training session by walking briskly for five minutes, followed by alternating between 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking; eight reps each. Then there's a five minute cool-down, which totals 30 minutes. The second week's training begins with five minutes of brisk walking, followed by an increased jogging time of 90 seconds and an increased walking time of 2 minutes; six reps each and totaling 31 minutes. And so each week, the jogging time increases until your lungs and legs are ready to take you to the 3.1 miles, or 5k finish line.

I told Roy I'm hesitant to believe I can actually do this, because I was never able to run so much as a mile in gym class, even though we ran everyday for an entire semester (18 weeks). I have half the time now (9 weeks) to run three times the amount I did in gym class. (3+ miles). I don't know if I can do it. Currently, my state of mind is that my body is weird, and maybe my bone structure is off, and I'm simply not built to be a runner. But, I used to say my body could never be a size 2 because I have 'child bearing hips' and that turned out to be a lie. Once I got on the healthy food bandwagon, and shed 40 pounds, I also shed much of those so called 'child bearing hips'.

I never thought I could love vegetables as much as I do, and that I could drink black coffee and enjoy it. I never thought I could eat a salad without first drowning it in a pool of ranch dressing and I never thought I could go two full years without a Big Mac and not care. So, I'm going to use that same mentality and hope to one day say "I never thought I could run a 5k, and now I love running!" I wanna be that girl! I wanna be that person I used to think was crazy for running in short shorts in January, or at 7 o'clock in the morning on a Saturday. I wanna be able to go out and enjoy splurging on a nice Italian pasta dish, and not worry about it because I know I'll use up the fuel later. I wanna have sexy legs and thighs that don't itch immensely during runs. I want a butt that isn't deflated. I want that "euphoria" runners are always talking about. I want runner's high. I want to talk about how I beat my time from my last run. I want to change the things I want, and want what's actually good for me.

You could say I'm starting my New Year's Resolution early. I just don't want to wait until next year. I want it now. I want it yesterday. So I'm going for it today. I signed up for The Color Run this morning and I'm going to do this thing, even if it means I will end up walking half of the 5k. My goal is to run the entire thing the entire way. And damnit, I'm going to do it. If it won't be my first 5k, it'll be my second one, or my third. But I will do it.

If anyone has any tips for me, I'd love to hear it. Particularly what I can do about itchy thighs! What's up with that anyway? As if running wasn't hard enough, I feel like I have poison ivy halfway through. Oy.

Til next time!

-Kale Queen

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