Monday, February 11, 2013

Piña Greenada Shake

Mornings have become my favorite time of day. I can eat practically anything I want. I can have a cup of sugar if I wanted, and I’d be fine, so long as I didn’t touch much else the remainder of the day. (That’s not ideal, I’m jus’ sayin’.)
I’ve changed the way I do breakfast the last year or so. I used to not eat breakfast at all, because I didn’t have a lot of time to make breakfast. But then I also didn’t care for breakfast food. I like it, but I usually like it when it’s not breakfast time. For instance, I only ever want cereal as a midnight snack. As with other “regular” breakfast items, I only want eggs every once in a while, and even when I was a chunk munk, I tried to abstain from pancakes. Now, things are very different. If I want to splurge, I’ll usually do it in the mornings. If it’s splurge worthy food that is not available until midday, I eat it as early as possible. Yesterday, I had sushi. Sushi isn’t bad for you, but it’s carby due to the rice, so we ate dinner at 5 p.m. instead of 7, and there was no snacking after that. Ok, except for taste testing my pineapple when I was cutting it up, but that was absolutely necessary and deliriously delicious fundamental in prepping for my shakes…….
Anyway, I made a tropical shake this morning using that pineapple! Roy of course wanted his usual shake. His favorite is the Pistachio Ice Cream Kale Shake; a recipe I found online that I have since tweaked considerably. You can find my post about it here. I don’t have a “usual” shake. I will get bored. Roy said he could pick five foods he’d eat forever, and he’d be happy. Me? I need variety. I need excitement! I NEED SPONTANEITY! WHOOOOOO!!!
*sugar rush*
Roy’s shakes definitely have less sugar in them, because I barely add any fruits in his shakes. Just a tiny piece of frozen banana and a couple of tablespoons of agave. Mine usually have wayyyy more fruits, liquids that aren’t always just water, and maybe a little bit of agave. But they’re natural, they’re still healthy, and like I said, I can have all the sugar I want in the mornings. I’ll burn them off by nighttime. Would I drink these shakes for dinner? Probably not. I usually don’t. But then again, I try to avoid all carbs and sugars after 2 p.m. (Again, something I'll have to elaborate on later.)
Here’s the recipe for this delicious happiness. There are a thousand ways you can change it. If you want to be full for hours, add ¼ dry oatmeal while blending. You can soak them overnight, or just toss them in the blender raw like I do usually. This shake is a light one though (relatively haha!)
Oh, and a side note, if you want it sweeter, add agave. Or add more fruit. I have cut down considerably on the fruit to veggie ratio, but when I make these shakes for Roy's kids, I have to add more sweetness or they don't like them.

Piña Greenada
½ cup coconut water
¼ cup coconut milk
1 tsp ginger root
½ clementine
 2 cups frozen spinach
2 cups frozen kale
 ½ cup frozen pineapple
¼ cup frozen cantaloupe and honeydew
¼ cup frozen bananas
1 TBS milled flax seeds
1 TBS milled chia seeds
1 cup ice
Now, I have a science to blending too. I usually add the liquids first, and then blend in the greens slowly. The greens are leafy, and they blend easier. I add the more solid frozen fruits last because they act as ice cubes, so you’ll need fewer ice cubes to make the shake all cold and shake-y, and that means a less diluted shake! Honestly, you can avoid adding ice cubes entirely, but I like it thick (TWSS), and ice cubes thicken the consistency.
Hope you enjoyed this shake. You can see by my happy face that I enjoyed mine J J J

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